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New World Order: Conspiracy Theory, or Conspiracy Fact?

Updated on July 18, 2012

Welcome to the New World Order

That’s right folks, you’re in it, and you have been in it since at least 1921.

It is only now that you are beginning to feel the widespread effects of an unequivocal, fully quantifiable, and undeniable conspiracy of well connected and mega-wealthy elites who are hell bent on stripping America of its sovereignty and creating a one-world government.

The partisan gridlock in Washington, special interest groups of the far right and the extreme left, alongside Wall Street money corrupting politics are just the tip of the iceberg, and pale in comparison to the invisible shadow government calling all the shots.

Connecting the Dots

Conspiracy theories are just that, theories without tangible proof. In contrast, over the slow course of time in concert with the benefit of hindsight and explicit warnings past and present, no longer can we delude ourselves that no such concentration of subversive shadow powers exists.

The definition of conspiracy is:

con·spir·a·cy (kn-spîr-s)

n. pl. con·spir·a·cies

1. An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.

2. A group of conspirators.

3. Law An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.

4. A joining or acting together, as if by sinister design:

The John Birch Society

The John Birch Society founded in 1958- has been on the forefront in documenting and exposing truths and documenting the existence of select factions conspiring to influence subversively the course and destiny of the United States of America.

We provide expanded coverage and information on the society in a related article entitled “Who is John Birch.”

As you will see in the second video expose from 1979, the same intractable problems of big government, partisanship, and totalitarian rule by insider elites and special interests groups has been with us for decades and remains with us today.


The non-aligned, non-partisan pro-One World Government special interest groups cited by the John Birch Society as co-conspirators include:

Wow! Seems like they’d have a better chance at unequivocally proving the conspiracy surrounding the Kennedy and Martin Luther King assassinations. Perhaps, however, they do a pretty darn good job in presenting their case.

21st Century Corraboratoin

The Birch Society gets a modern-day mountain of corroborative 21st Century support from filmmaker Jason Bermas in collaboration with Alex Jones in the production of Invisible Empire. The full 2010 feature presented below, endeavors to unveil the long-term agenda for world control, and to expose the dark truth that lies behind.

2010 >> Invisible Empire: The New World Order Defined

Conspiracy Fact or Fiction

Do you think there is enough evidence to validate the existence of a conspiratorial shadow government?

See results

1979 >> The Insiders: Architects of the New World Order

Conspiracy Theory, Conspiracy Truth, or 50-years of Extremist Propaganda Fiction

You be the judge.

Given the widespread distrust of politicians and special interests along with perpetual divisions throughout America and the World at large, and given the age old cries for remedy from every faction of civilization that continually go unanswered, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to discern truth from perceptions thereof in nearly every facet of our civil and social existence.

In our view, nothing is to be trusted implicitly without condition, regardless of its source or backing. This implies that we must consider every cogent argument with quantifiable proof, as potentially valid, and ground in truth.

Readily dismissed as crackpot theory and long overdue for more serious inquisition, critical thinking and strenuously exercising one’s cognitive prowess objectively on such matters, and to the best of one’s impartial sensibilities, should assist in laying the foundation for a comprehensive and cogent process of soul-searching arbitration.

Until next time…


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